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DOCS II Presentations

DOCS Trials

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The government was excited about the results of the DOCS research. However, it was clear that a technological upgrade was required. The bench marks showed that DOCS required more effort that Human observations and thus the investment required in hardware and training could not be recaptured. The DOCS system was completely reengineered in 2007 to address the multitude of usability concerns remaining from the ESTCP studies and DOCS II was born. DOCS II allowed the use of compressed JPG imagery, operated on notebook computers, which could be brought into the field, for analysis. This advancement eliminated the additional effort and time requirement of bringing the images back to computer in the office approach. With DOCS II a single unit comprised of a camera, computer, range finder and GPS could automate the visible emission process in the field. The DOCS II Kits were field tested and the DOCS II application was continuously improved until the benchmarks indicated a reduction in time required to perform a DOCS II visible emission evaluation, versus an EPA Method 9 visible emission evaluation. From the field trails an extremely easy to use, automated approach to the collection of field parameter data, Meteorological, Position, Sun Position, Distances and view angles. Automating this data collection process reduced the overall time required to perform a visible observation such that the extended time required to perform analysis of the resulting images was compensated for. Auto analysis was added as well as a learning algorithm such that the more DOCS II was used to determine Opacity the better it became. However, training and certification were still outstanding as well as a means to certify the system and its resultant Opacity readings. Technologically, DOCS II was cutting edge and its usability had become so simple that grade school students could easily navigate the application. However, without an industry consensus standard from which the EPA could approve its use, DOCS II could not be widely distributed and/or put into production use.